Our Animals

The Cattle

We have 50 head of pure and cross-bred Black Angus cows (the mamas). These cows spend their entire lives on pasture.

We utilize rotational grazing to ensure the cows have fresh pasture to enjoy every day during the growing season. Hay is harvested in the summertime to support their diet during the winter, when fresh grass isn’t as plentiful. Our cow herd is the workhorse of our farm. They bring new life to the farm, in either the spring or fall, every year. They deserve (almost!) all the credit for our great-tasting beef.

Each spring and fall brings new groups of calves, gifts from our hardworking cows. We retain ownership of both the heifers and the steers, who become our feeder cattle. The cattle spend their entire lives right here on our farm in the fresh air and sunshine. We think that is pretty special. 

Rotational grazing means that our cattle are moved into new pastures nearly every day. They happily munch on the most nutrient-rich parts of the grasses available, and our system prevents overgrazing of any area. This leaves plenty of vegetation behind to restore and enrich the soil. Their natural fertilizer further assists. Our cattle are doing their part to keep our farm a beautiful, productive, and vibrant ecosystem. 

We strive to provide the majority of their nutrition right from our land. Our cattle are on almost an exclusively grass-based diet up until their last few weeks with us. At that point, a mixed ration of locally-grown corn, soybean, and spent grain from a local brewery is incorporated to improve tenderness, marbling, and to mellow out the flavor just a bit. This comprises less than 5% of their total diet during their lifetime; a small amount that we think makes a big difference for flavor and texture that can’t be beat.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

The Pigs

Our heritage breed Berkshire and Chester White -cross pigs also spend their entire lives on the farm. We believe in as little disruption as possible and we aim to mimic their natural habitat. 

The pigs roam free in woodlots where they can do what they are made to do: forage for nuts and roots, munch on a variety of plants, and frolic in the mud and soil. Our pigs receive grain feed to supplement their foraging; their diet roughly consist of 40% foraging, and 60% mixed grain ration.

We strive to have our pigs gain as much nutrition from our land as possible. The mixed grain ration helps ensure the pigs are getting the nutrients they need, especially those that are limited from grazing forage alone. Our pigs take a little longer to grow, but we believe this extra time results in some of the most tender and flavorful pork around. Try some for yourself!